DIY GREENS POWDER!This magical and simple creation happened in two steps. First there was the decision of what to do with a bag of greens on its last legs (figure 1). Throw them in the dehydrator and decide later. Step two: decide later that those greens would make an amazing green powder supplement for morning smoothies. It was a dance of improvisation as the makings of a greens powder supplement came into being. 1. First there was the idea to just take the mixed greens off the dehydrator and store them in a glass jar. 2. Then came the idea to add in the left over dried nettles for added nutrition, allergy protection and taste. 3. Suddenly the mortar and pestle yells "Hey!" from its home on the windowsill 4. You know what else you could add... ANYTHING YOU WANT! How about some spirulina since its the best thing in the world? 5. Voilà. Your very own greens powder supplement. Other things to add when you plan in advance: - dried beets and beet greens - to build blood and load up on minerals - dried carrots- for the beta carotene - berries - antioxidants - Powdered vitamins of you want to get crazy!?! If you are looking for some more inspiration, here is my favorite greens powder by Douglas Labs called Organic Greens and Reds. Its amazing because it is one of the very few, if only, totally organic greens powder on the market. Secondly, it is also a reds and herbal medicine powder. Its everything, and more. Enjoy the fun of discovering how to make natural health products! It is exciting, empowering and nutritious. Aloha xo
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Skin Deep...Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Anything that we put on our skin is absorbed directly into the body. Think about that... How many products do you put on, or in your body each day. Here is a list of possible options: Tooth paste Mouthwash Soap Shower gel Shaving cream Moisturizer Shampoo/Conditioner Hair Styling products Deodorant Sun screen Makeup (eye liner, mascara, blush/bronzer, foundation, eye shadow, cover up) Lip balm/Lip stick/gloss Here is a list of chemicals you may come into contact with each day: Dish soap Laundry soap Bathroom cleaner Kitchen cleaner Water contaminants Pesticides Pollution A company called Bionsen did some research and found that the average woman puts about 515 synthetic chemicals on her skin each day. Have a look: Its the job of the liver to detoxify our system. In today's world with all the chemicals we encounter in body products, food and the environment, that is quite a burden. When our liver's detoxification system gets backed up, either from too many toxins going in, or not enough substrates to supply the detox reactions, we can feel it: fatigue, nausea, headaches, skin irritation, body pain, abdominal tenderness, pungent sweat to name a few. An over burdened system can also look like hormone imbalances, since it is the liver that processes and removes old and excess hormones from our bodies: weight gain, acne, painful periods, fibroids and PMS. What can I do to decrease my toxin load1. Eat Organic! Eating organic eliminates all the pesticide toxicity that one would encounter from food. For more information on pesticides check out my article on Glyphosate here. An easy way to start eating organic is to have a look at The Dirty Dozen list. These are the foods that are sprayed most and which should be avoided. There is also a Clean 15, the foods you can buy conventionally which will have a lower pesticide incidence. 2. Use Natural Household Cleaners Products with orange essential oil and vinegar are examples of natural house hold cleaners. They don't use harsh detergents or chemicals to get rid of bacteria but they work just as well. We like to use Frog Wash for our household cleaning needs. 3. Use or Make Your Own Natural Body Products For the last few months I have been using a deodorant that I made myself with a simple recipe. It works REALLY WELL! I have used it in both tropical and North American climates and it stands the test. Best of all it smells great. Regular antiperspirants have aluminum in them, which has been linked to the development of early aging in the brain and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. Deodorant recipeIngredients 2 tbs coconut oil 2 tbs baking soda 2 tbs cornstarch 5-8 drops Essential oil (Rosemary, Tea Tree, Lavender, Sage, its up to you!) - In a saucepan on low, heat the coconut oil up just until it melts. Add in the other ingredients and stir. Pour into a small glass container or an old deodorant container and voilà. If you are using an old deodorant container, keep it in the fridge. It is easier to put on when it is solid. - Remember: to dip your fingers in when they are clean, and do not double dip. There is no preservative in your natural product so you don't want to contaminate it with bacteria. To learn more about having radiantly healthy skin, natural body products and detox send me a message or book an appointment today!
I asked myself this question when I was 19. It was the first home product I had questioned, standing in the oral health aisle of a grocery store. Others were to follow such as, what is deodorant, Windex, tampons, sunscreen, bug spray, makeup, lotion, Tylenol and the list goes on. When I realized that there was an alternative and natural form of toothpaste I decided there must be some things in regular toothpaste that were not "natural" and perhaps even toxic? I had an epiphany at this moment: Was it possible that health was not actually a priority of some health product companies? ALL COMPANIES??! Perhaps. But back to toothpaste... Here are some of the things that are in toothpaste today plus their harmful properties: Triclosan- Has the same chemical composition as some of the most toxic chemicals. Possible contamination with dioxin, a very strong hormone disrupting substance. Classified as a pesticide. BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) - Immunotoxic, reproductive toxicity, allergenic. Fluoride ( Sodium Fluoride)- Developmental-reproductive toxicity. (there is now growing awareness of the necessity of fluoride free toothpaste, but it is one of many chemicals to look out for) PEG-12 Toxic, potential for contamination with Ethylene Oxide, 1.4 Dioxane) FD&C Blue - Bioaccumulation, toxic Sodium Hydroxide- Organ toxic DEA (diethanolamine)- Foaming agent, disrupts hormones and forms cancer precursors. Propylene Glycol- Active ingredient in antifreeze. EPA demands workers handle this substance with protective gloves. Quickly absorbed by mucosa. Ariel's natural toothpaste recipeIngredients: 8 tbs Coconut oil 3 tbs Baking Soda 5 ml Liquid minerals ( 1 tbs Colloidal Silver 25 drops Essential oils (Basil, Orange, Peppermint) 3 packets of Stevia ~ 3 tsp Coconut oil- used in oil pulling, works great to dissolve and remove bacteria from the teeth. Contains caprylic acid, an antifungal. Baking soda- removes stains, whitens and polishes teeth, removes plaque. Liquid minerals- help remineralize teeth and bone. Colloidal silver- antimicrobial to kill bacteria and keep product stable. Essential oils- antimicrobial, for taste Stevia- for taste Directions: Gently warm coco oil until liquid. Add in all the other ingredients and mix well. Cover. The toothpaste will harden. After it is solid, take a fork and whip it up! Fluffy toothpaste! Store it with the lid on. Use: Add a glob of toothpaste to toothbrush, rub around your teeth, brush as usual. Spit out! Note: To keep the product stable for longer. Consider keeping it in a cool place and not putting your finger or toothbrush in the jar to take the paste out, but perhaps a clean spoon or wooden stir stick. You can also just portion out the toothpaste into small containers that you can use up before it goes bad. My toothpaste tastes great and feels great. My teeth are whiter and shinier than before. So far so good. We will see if it keeps and how my teeth look over time. Give it a try. And enjoy! Aloha xo Photo credit: |
May 2019