For information purposes only
Acupuncture is not currently offered by Dr. Jones, ND
Acupuncture is not currently offered by Dr. Jones, ND
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for over 3000 years and includes: acupuncture, herbal formulas, tui na massage, cupping and dietary changes to rebalance the body. A TCM diagnosis is made by assessing your current health status, tongue, and wrist pulses.
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into specific points along a meridian system. The meridians are mapped along the body from the top of the head to the end of the toes and fingers. They are categorized by organ system and correspond to a specific physiological functions, time of year, colour, anatomical structures, substance and emotion. In order to rebalance the system, the affected organ/meridian system is determined, and treated. The ear has a complete representation of all the body's organs and can be used alone to rebalance the system and heal illness. The NADA protocol is used at our clinic to treat the cravings associate with addictions: smoking, alcohol, food and pharmaceutical medications.
Meridians can be treated using Chinese cupping, where glass cups are placed on specific meridian points on the back, or used with oil and moved along the back as a massage. Both of these techniques help to move the blood and qi (energy derived from food) and unblock the meridians. Stuck qi manifests as pain and inhibits blood flow. Once qi gets flowing through the meridians, the body has a chance to rebalance and heal. Acupuncture is very relaxing and is a great time for personal reflection.
Acupuncture is effective at treating conditions of mental illness like depression and anxiety, addictions and hormonal conditions like dysmenorrhea (painful periods), menopause, infertility and pregnancy. Acupuncture is used in immune conditions like frequent colds/flus, sinusitis, bronchitis, allergies, cancer and HIV. Acupuncture is indicated when recovering from physical injuries such as:
- Acute or Chronic pain
- Headaches
- Vertigo
- Frozen shoulder
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Back pain, Disk herniation, Facet syndrome
- Tennis/Golfer's Elbow, Tendinitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Arthritis
- Digestive Issues (IBS, IBD, SIBO, constipation, diarrhea)
- Sacral pain, Sciatica, Labral tears
- Chondromalacia patella syndrome, Medial meniscus injury, ACL/PCL, MCL injury
Tongue Diagnosis & Pulse Assessment
Each part of the tongue and wrist corresponds to a TCM organ system. We look at the area of the tongue, the coat, the colour and shape to understand the state of your internal system. The quality of the pulses in the different positions gives us information about the organ system.
Photo credit: Acupuncture and Chinese & doctoracupuncture |
Acupuncture for Muscle Tension
Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) is the use of acupuncture needles to relax muscles by targeting the trigger points or focal areas of tension in large muscles. IMS is very effective for chronic muscle tension. We use a combination of IMS and injections of vitamin B 12 to loosed these muscles and promote healing. If there is nerve involvement, consider Neuroprolotherapy as part of your treatment plan.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Acupuncture treatments need to be done regularly to experience a shift in your body. For acute injuries we recommend coming in twice a week for 3 weeks. Hormonal conditions require regular treatment for 3 months. The more chronic and serious the condition, the longer it will take to heal. Coming in twice a week at the beginning is recommended to shorten the length of treatment and effect a stronger change on the body. A relaxation treatment can be done on an as needed basis.