Master Water Fasting Guide - 1st Edition
Have you ever thought about water fasting?
Are you interested in fasting but are not sure how to do it?
This guide was created by Dr. Ariel Jones for water fasting and detoxification retreat participants. It is an information guide for water fasting: how to prepare for a water fast, what a water fast consists of and how to reintroduce foods.
- Pre-Fasting Protocol
- Fasting Daily Regime
- Post-Fasting Protocol
- Recipes
- Images and diagrams
The manual is available with private coaching of 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes for a discounted rate. Once you order the book, Dr. Jones will get in touch to set up a meeting time. In-person + Skype consultations available.
Copyright and Non-disclosure
All the information contained in this document is exclusively the property of Dr. Ariel Jones. The copying and distribution, including photocopying, electronic mailing, screenshot or phone camera capturing of this information for the purposes of sharing or distribution is prohibited.